
Learn how Wellworks for You makes a difference in our communities

A nurse making a heart shape out of her stethoscope

How to Select a Health Risk Assessment that Will Actually Make a Difference

Wellness Program Solutions

How Wellworks Can Help Your Company Develop New Year's Resolutions that Will Actually Stick

Wellness Program Solutions

Why the Most Successful Wellness Programs Include Biometric Screenings

Wellness Program Solutions

The Great Resignation: How Wellness Programs Keep Employees Happy

Have you heard about The Great Resignation? Americans are quitting their jobs at a record pace since the middle of 2021. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that as of December 2021, 4.3 million people quit or changed jobs and 10.9 million job openings remain unfilled.

Wellness Program Solutions

Is your corporate wellness program successful? Find out with reporting

Studies show that offering corporate wellness programs in the workplace pays off. Because of these programs, companies can save money on yearly healthcare costs and reduce absenteeism as well as increase productivity and improve morale.

Wellness Program Solutions

Introducing the "Know Your Number” Risk Assessment Tool

If you as an employer could reduce an employee’s risk of diabetes, stroke, or cancer, would you take advantage of it?

Wellness Program Solutions

Five Things You Never Knew a Wellness Tracking Software Program Could Do

According to a workplace wellness program study, 92% of 121 participants reported that they would participate in a similar program if offered again; 82% showed appreciation for fitness programming; 90% said they’d like a worksite pedometer-based walking and physical activity tracking program. This study is just one example of how wellness tracking software helps both employees and employers remain accountable for their health goals. Learn about how incorporating a wellness program into the workplace can help employees become more engaged and reduce healthcare costs.

Wellness Program Solutions

Three Benefits of Corporate Wellness Reporting You Won’t Want to Miss

Studies show that offering corporate wellness services in the workplace pays off. Not only do companies save money on yearly healthcare costs and reduce absenteeism, but workplace wellness programs can also increase productivity and improve morale. Workplace wellness program studies further demonstrate that the success of a program can be enhanced by the right kind of measuring system. Learn how corporate wellness reporting can improve employee participation and interest, among several other benefits that will help employees achieve optimal health and wellness in the workplace.

Wellness Program Solutions

Why Companies Need a Successful Diabetes Management Program

Wellworks For You is excited to introduce our new Diabetes Care program, designed to empower your clients' employees with the tools and support they need to manage their diabetes effectively. This program is a comprehensive solution that ensures better health outcomes and improved quality of life for participants.

The True Impact of Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can lead to severe health complications if not appropriately managed, including heart disease, kidney failure, and vision loss. The two main types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2, require continuous monitoring and lifestyle adjustments to keep blood glucose levels under control.

Managing diabetes can be overwhelming for many individuals, which is why Wellworks For You has developed the Diabetes Care program. This program aims to simplify diabetes management, providing participants with easy-to-use tools and expert guidance.

Key Features of the Diabetes Care Program

  • Easy-to-Use Technology: Participants can capture blood glucose values effortlessly from any glucose meter, including non-connected or Bluetooth devices. This flexibility ensures employees can continue using their preferred devices without additional costs or complications.
  • Telephonic Coaching: Our program offers timely and informed coaching from Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists. These experts provide personalized advice and support, helping participants avert complications and adopt healthier lifestyles. The telephonic coaching sessions are designed to be convenient and accessible, fitting seamlessly into employees' busy schedules.
  • Individualized Alerts: Participants receive personalized alerts related to nutrition, exercise, and medication adherence. These alerts help improve glycemic trends and promote better overall health. By staying informed and proactive, employees can manage their condition more effectively and prevent potential health issues.

Diabetes Program Success Story

One of our success stories is Linda, a heart attack survivor who was diagnosed with pre-diabetes in December 2021. Fearful about her future health, she enrolled in the Diabetes Care Management Program. Through dedication and the support of her health coach, Linda achieved remarkable results:

  • A1C Levels: Linda's A1C dropped to a normal range of 5.6% for the first time in eight years.
  • Weight Loss: She lost 8 pounds and maintained an average glucose level of 101 mg/dL.
  • Reduced Stress: Her diabetes stress score decreased to 22.

Linda attributes her success to the Five Pillars of Success provided by the program:

  1. Nutrition Planning: Adopting the basic plate method and practicing portion control.
  1. Physical Activity: Increasing daily activity and diligent tracking.
  1. Medication Regimen: Regular testing and adherence to prescribed medications.
  1. Social Environment: Spending quality time with loved ones and joining a local gym.
  1. Navigating Healthcare Services: Guidance from her health coach in managing healthcare services.

Linda's journey demonstrates the program's impact on improving health and quality of life. Her testimonial highlights the personal interaction with her coach and the importance of embracing diabetes management.

The Unique Advantages of Wellworks For You’s Diabetes Care Program

  • Data Analytics: Our program integrates health data from various sources, providing streamlined information for better insights and informed decision-making. This data-driven approach ensures participants receive the most effective care tailored to their needs.
  • App-Based Technology: The program is device agnostic, allowing participants to access their data on their terms without switching devices. The Wellworks For You Mobile App simplifies diabetes management, making it more convenient for users.
  • Personalized Coaching: Participants can connect instantly with Certified Diabetes Health Coaches. This personalized guidance and support are crucial for managing diabetes effectively, ensuring that employees receive the help they need when they need it most.
  • Meaningful Results: Our program focuses on achieving measurable and meaningful progress. Data-driven insights lead to actionable results, helping participants reach their health goals and improve their overall well-being.

Empower Your Clients with Wellworks For You Diabetes Care

The Wellworks For You Diabetes Care program is a comprehensive approach to managing diabetes and enhancing the quality of life for your clients' employees. By offering this program, you provide a valuable service that simplifies diabetes management and promotes better health outcomes. Encourage your clients to enroll their employees in the Diabetes Care program today. Together, we can significantly impact their health and well-being, ensuring a healthier, happier workforce.  

Want to learn more? Click here to watch a video overview of our Diabetes Management Program.  


Ready to empower your clients to take control of their diabetes and experience the benefits of a supportive, effective management program? Click here to schedule a demo with a member of our team! (link to schedule a demo page)

Employee Nutrition & Health

Health Coaching Success in a Hospice Care Facility

Working in the field of hospice care in South Carolina, a client came to Wellworks For You in 2016 ready to help their employees and spouses make lasting health improvements. The employer offers gym membership discounts, diabetic counseling, and onsite biometric screenings performed by a local health system.  

The initial health concerns for this company included:

  • Weight Management
  • Poor Nutrition Habits
  • Health Education
  • Diabetes Prevention and Management

Within the first year, Wellworks was able to identify this client's high-risk categories and implement our unique wellness approach.

Case Study

Leading Texas Health System Experiences Claims Drop As Employee Health Rises

A leading San Antonio-based health system, which has been providing healthcare throughout South Texas since the early 1990s, was experiencing rapidly rising health insurance claim costs for their employees. The health system needed to reduce health insurance claims. To accomplish this, they understood they needed to implement a wellness program. They required a wellness program with an easy-to-follow process, coupled with a HIPAA-compliant secure online portal and health coaching to assist employees to improve their current lifestyles. Wellworks stepped in to offer a comprehensive wellness solution to meet all of their needs.

Case Study

Ragan Announces Workplace Wellness Hot List of Corporate Wellbeing Solutions

Introducing the Workplace Wellness Hot List Winners - This Year’s Top Services & Solution Providers


Wellworks For You Selects Wellsource as Health Risk Assessment Solution Provider

Wellworks For You, a corporate wellness management company, today announced that they have chosen Wellsource, Inc. to provide quality health risk assessments (HRAs) as part of their suite of comprehensive wellness program solutions. Wellworks For You has a longstanding focus on high touch customer service and providing customized corporate wellness solutions, and found a likeminded partner in Wellsource, a company with over 40 years’ experience in developing high quality HRAs that help to improve health outcomes and reduce costs associated with chronic conditions.


Wellworks For You Acquires Orthus Health, LLC to Provide an All-In-One Corporate Wellness Solution

Wellworks For You, a global health and wellbeing management and technology company, announced today they have acquired the assets of Orthus Health, LLC. This combination will provide an optimized, clinically oriented wellness solution for their clients and partners. It also expands the range of products and services available to their customers to include the Know Your Number Health Risk Assessment, Data Analytics for medical and pharmacy claims, a comprehensive diabetes management platform, and COVID vaccination and symptom tracking software.


Wellworks For You and Mindyra Partner to Use Science to Improve Employee Mental Health

Wellworks and Mindyra have partnered to make Mindyra’s behavioral care software available to all of Wellworks’ clients and their employees. Mindyra’s software, made available through Wellworks, will help employees more precisely identify their emotional and behavioral health concerns. All employees will have access to mental health assessment tools including the clinically validated Mindyra-9™ screener, which only takes about a minute to complete, yet can help to identify most of the mental health concerns of an employee population.

Are you ready for a modern, personalized approach to your corporate wellness plan?
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Wellworks For You app on multiple devices