Winter-Proof Your Workout: Tips for Staying Active in Cold Weather
Creating Space for ‘Me Time’ and Family Time During the Holiday Hustle
Creating Space for ‘Me Time’ and Family Time During the Holiday Hustle
Managing Stress During the Holiday Season
Managing Stress During the Holiday Season
Understanding Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Promoting Safety and Support in the Workplace
Genetic Testing Tools for Cancer Risk Reduction
Empowering Your Health During Breast Cancer Awareness Month
10 Fall Fitness Challenge Ideas for the Workplace
Shining Light on Suicide Awareness Month
Top Ways to Focus on Women's Health at Any Age
Decoding Gut Health: Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Tips for a Healthier You in 2024*
Student Loan Repayment Options & Financial Wellness Programs*
Does hearing the words 'student loans' make your wallet flinch? If so, you’re not alone. Wellworks For You aims to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of higher education funding.
What Is Integrative Health and Why It May Be the Last Fitness “Trend” You Try*
New Year’s Resolutions that Aren’t Weight Loss: How to Focus on Your Overall Health*
Winterizing Your Yard and Garden: A Recipe for Health and Happiness*
Embrace the Changing Seasons: Nurturing Your Mind Through Transitions*
Self-Care and Support: Navigating Recovery Awareness Month in September*
How to Safely Work Out in the Summer: Staying Fit and Beating the Heat*
Beyond Face Masks: The True Essence of Self-Care*
The Rise of Sober Curiosity and What it May Mean for Your Wellness Journey*
How to Get Involved in Making Your Community Better with Environmental Activism*
Debt is Tempting: How to Make Good Choices to Grow Your Financial Wellness*
How to Optimize Your Workout Routine and Feel Your Best with Microbreaks*
How to Set a New Year's Resolution You'll Actually Accomplish This Year*
How to Prevent COPD - The 4th Leading Cause of Death in the United States*
How To Improve Mental Health with these Outdoor Activities*
National Cholesterol Awareness Month: How to Balance Good and Bad Cholesterol*
Stand Up, Speak Out: How to be an Advocate for What You Believe In*
How to Incorporate Mindfulness in the Workplace*
How to Open Your Mind to New Experiences*
How to Be a True Ally During Pride Month*
Top Ways to Focus on Men's Health at Any Age*
It’s time to focus on creating a positive attitude around men’s health, especially when it comes to preventive care. Men often skip routine healthcare visits out of fear of looking weak. A study from the Cleveland Clinic showed that 40 percent of men only go to the doctor when they’re having a serious health issue. Skipping yearly physicals and checkups could be the difference between catching health issues early or when it’s too late.
That's a Wrap on Mental Health Month 2022*
For the entire month of May, we focused on several components of mental wellbeing in celebration of Mental Health Month. Mental wellbeing is vital in our workplaces and in our personal lives. We’ve compiled several resources from our month of celebration to share how you can focus on mental health in all aspects of your life.
Several Ways to Get Excited and Celebrate Earth Day this Year*
Earth Day was founded in 1970 with the goal to spread education about environmental issues. We now celebrate this day globally on April 22nd, although many places have extended to Earth Week. On the first Earth Day, rallies were held across the US while speeches were given. It successfully raised awareness about environmental issues and was the catalyst for many important legislative changes.
The Best Grocery Shopping Tips for a Healthier Life*
Proper nutrition is a discipline worth pursuing. However, for busy professionals on the move, finding a well-balanced meal can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Understanding what to consider when grocery shopping will give you the confidence to make healthy decisions and break certain habits. Below are several tips to help you plan for a healthy, well-rounded trip to the grocery store while keeping a balance of treats too!
Better Yourself with a Healthier Eating Routine*
Eating a balanced diet is a common goal when you want to become healthier. But what is a balanced diet and where do you start? You first need to know what defines a healthy diet, then you can determine what needs improvement.
The Truth about the Health Risks of Having a Desk Job*
According to recent health statistics regarding desk jobs, close to 86% of American employees have jobs that require long periods of sitting. There are several health issues to consider when it comes to desk jobs. Sitting affects your posture, mental health, and stress levels. It may also contribute as a factor of certain medical issues, such as cardiovascular diseases and carpal tunnel syndrome. How can you prevent desk job health risks from impacting your employees?
How Important are Dietary Supplements?*
Have you seen the rows of supplements at almost every store you visit? Whether you’re at the grocery store, pharmacy, or Target, there’s no shortage of products to choose from. With so many supplements to choose from, it’s hard to know what you need and what’s safe.
Focus on Mental Health: Tips to include your Health Care Provider*
While you can struggle with mental health issues any time of the year, the holidays can be difficult, especially for those who may already deal with depression and anxiety. However, you don’t have to work through negative thoughts and feelings alone. The best place to start can be your health care provider. If you’re unsure how to approach the conversation, here are 5 tips from the National Institute of Mental Health to help you out.
Learn more this November about Pancreatic Cancer*
How familiar are you with pancreatic cancer? Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is not discussed as often as other cancers, but is the 11th most common cancer that impacts over 60,000 Americans each year. Although it is currently not as prominent as other diagnoses, it projects to become one of the top leading causes of death by 2030. Take some time this November during Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month to gain awareness, become informed, and find ways you can get involved.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness*
Take a moment to educate yourself about breast cancer this October during Breast Cancer Awareness month. 1 in 8 women in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and it’s estimated over 40,000 will die from it this year. However, this issue doesn’t impact women alone. Although rare, men can develop breast cancer. The best solution is to be informed, aware, and to get screened often (men too!) – especially if it runs in your family.
Wellworks For You Mobile App Update Release*
This week our mobile app gets even better. Wellworks For You released a major update for our mobile app users with a continued focus on increasing participation, creating a better user experience, and ensuring ease of use. Let’s take a look at a few of the updates you’ll find in the latest version.
Take PRIDE In Your Mental Health*
The LGBTQIA+ community faces disproportionate rates of mental health conditions in comparison to the general population. Studies show that 1 in 3 LGBTQIA+ adults face mental health challenges, in comparison to 1 in 5 adults in the general population.
Focus on Preventive Medicine: Why you need a Primary Care Physician*
According to Reuters, there has been a 2% decline in the last decade of individuals who do not have a primary care physician (PCP). While 2% seems fairly low, to provide perspective, that translates to millions of people, or about the entire population of New Jersey. It’s been reported that this decrease is coming from the younger, “healthier”, population. There are more benefits than just “checking off the annual physical box”, that accompany establishing a relationship with a PCP.
What is a Health Coach?*
If the phrase “Health Coach” only brings to mind your junior high gym instructor who also taught the “Health and Hygiene” course (you remember, the class that made all the kids giggle and squirm), it’s time to think again!
Take 5 for National Kidney Month*
March is National Kidney Month, and the National Kidney Foundation is calling on everyone to take 5 easy steps to keep their kidneys healthy and strong. The kidneys are small chemical factories in the body that filter waste and perform vital functions. They also control things like red blood cell production and blood pressure. However, over time the kidneys can become damaged with little or no physical symptoms to warn you that your kidneys are in trouble.
Men and Mental Illness - Men's Health Month*
Mental illness is a difficult challenge for anyone to face. It can affect men and women of any age. However, mental illness can cause different symptoms in men than in women, so some disorders in men may be harder to recognize. Men who are depressed, for example, may seem angry and grouchy rather than sad and withdrawn. It also may be harder for men with depression to get help. Some may see it as a sign of weakness rather than a treatable illness.
How to Start Running for Beginners: The Lazy Person’s Guide to Running*
Have you ever wondered how people actually enjoy running? Maybe you’ve scoffed at those who obsess over pounding the pavement, while secretly wondering if there might actually be something to it.
Five Important Facts You Should Know About Summer Health and Safety*
Summer: it’s a time to relax, go on a vacation and enjoy the splendor of the outdoors. It’s also a good time to brush up on summer health and safety tips. While pool parties, boating excursions and hiking adventures entice a spirit of playfulness and fun, they can present dangers that even the savviest adults can overlook. To help keep employees out of harm’s way this summer, equip them with a few, simple summer safety hints.
Five Feasible Solutions for How To Quit Smoking*
Despite increased awareness of the risks of smoking, a recent study revealed that almost 20% of adult employees smoke during work hours. Why do they smoke? Nicotine can produce a calming or pleasant effect that many claim, “calm the nerves.” Others may say that smoking helps to keep them awake during work. No matter the justifications for smoking, research proves that nicotine, whether absorbed through smoking or vaping, is harmful to the body. By helping employees find tools and techniques on how to quit smoking, employers can help promote improved health in the workplace, reduce expensive medical costs, and more.
10 Heart Healthy Tips For a Happy Heart Day*
This time of year, hearts of all shapes and sizes seem to be everywhere: supermarkets, drug stores, even gas stations are packed with heart-shaped gifts for your Valentine. Even food gets in on the act. There are heart-shaped pancakes and pizzas, not to mention all the themed cookies, cakes, and candies. Why is this day celebrating love and everything heart-shaped terrible for our actual hearts? Shouldn’t we be extra good to our hearts on Valentine’s Day?
10 Types of Brain Food to Fuel Your Mind in More Ways Than One*
According to a recent Harvard Health story, 95% of serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, it truly matters what you put into your body. This brings to mind another favorite metaphorical expression: “You are what you eat.” To help boost both brain and body health, there are a few staples you can easily and mindfully integrate into your daily diet.
5 Healthy Ice Cream Alternatives*
A healthier lifestyle is always a good thing to strive for, and it will make you feel better in the long term. But sometimes in the moment, all you really want is something rich, creamy, cold, and decadent--ice cream. After you indulge, you may have some regrets, wishing you had stuck with your healthy regime. It just feels like you can’t win. Or can you?
10 Fall Fitness Challenge Ideas You Didn’t Know About*
There’s something invigorating about the fall season—the foliage exhibits its colorful splendor, the air becomes crisp, and the anticipation of a new year begins. What better way to revive your wellness goals than by implementing fall fitness challenge ideas inline with the new season?
A 30 Day Fitness Challenge Anyone Can Conquer*
Have you been looking for a manageable but effective fitness challenge to help you get in shape? Starting a workout program can be tough to fit in around the craziness of daily life. It is easy to keep putting it off indefinitely--telling yourself that you will “start tomorrow” … but tomorrow never comes.
3 Tips for Writing an Outstanding Wellness Newsletter*
As a part of your company’s comprehensive wellness program, you may consider developing and publishing a regular wellness newsletter. This is usually done via email and should go out to your corporation’s staff mailing list. Remember that a good corporate wellness program can help your company decrease sick leave absenteeism and significantly minimize workers comp and health care costs. Education is a key component of a successful wellness program and that’s why so many corporations have begun the practice of publishing a wellness newsletter.
Health Coaching Definition- What They do for You | Wellworks For You*
If the phrase “Health Coach” only brings to mind your junior high gym instructor who also taught the “Health and Hygiene” course (you remember, the class that made all the kids giggle and squirm), it’s time to think again!