Wellworks For You and Mindyra Partner to Use Science to Improve Employee Mental Health
/EINPresswire.com/ —Wellworks and Mindyra have partnered to make Mindyra’s behavioral care software available to all of Wellworks’ clients and their employees. Mindyra’s software, made available through Wellworks, will help employees more precisely identify their emotional and behavioral health concerns. All employees will have access to mental health assessment tools including the clinically validated Mindyra-9™ screener, which only takes about a minute to complete, yet can help to identify most of the mental health concerns of an employee population. Employees are guided to a variety of self-help and coaching options based on their answers from the Mindyra-9 screener. Once employees are engaged in their choice of care program through Wellworks and their sister company, WellBalance, they can track their outcome progress via Mindyra’s Care Progress Survey™.
Wellworks will offer the Mindyra Wellbeing Index™ to all corporations who wish to assess their employees’ population health risk, measuring the behavioral, physical and social needs of each employee. This risk assessment will allow CEOs and Human Resource professionals to know which programs to provide to match their employee’s needs on a frequency they find useful. Health data subscription will be available for Wellworks clients who wish to compare their health risk and experience with others in their industry or size of company or geographic location.
All the employees’ answers and test results are private and strictly confidential for each employee. Their employer is able to see data, on a de-identified basis, that shows how the various care programs are working at improving the mental health of the organization’s employee population in aggregate. Each organization will be able to see how the mental health of their employees compares with the general employee population and, more importantly, how each care program is working for its employees. In other words, organizations, by working with Wellworks and Mindyra, are able to identify what works best to improve their employee population’s mental health and wellbeing.
“We selected Mindyra to be our behavioral care partner to provide wellness services to the employees of our corporate clients. They have developed a unique, integrated behavioral health solution that works to the great benefit of those in need. They can systematically measure the outcomes of the care programs we deliver together as partners. Corporations are demanding that results driven approach. While Mindyra is expensive, we believe that they are 1,000 times better than their competition.” Thomas Tegler, CEO of Wellworks for You.
“This partnership with Wellworks combines the digital interactive behavioral care software system that Mindyra has built with the outstanding wellbeing programs delivered by Wellworks. Together, our integrated solutions are well suited to help self-insured corporations deliver more effective care at lower cost, while measuring outcomes every step of the way”, says Bill Battey, CEO of Mindyra Health Corporation. “We look forward to working with Wellworks to help power their platform to more effectively provide wellbeing programs for their clients’ employee populations.”
About Wellworks
Wellworks For You is a Corporate Wellness and Mental Well-Being Company focusing on high touch customer service. We provide customized wellness solutions for organizations throughout the world. Our mission to our clients is to provide opportunities for employers to engage in programs focused on the prevention of chronic disease, education, and promotion of a healthier lifestyle with a commitment to high-touch customer service.
Press Contacts:
Thomas Tegler
(610) 235.2602
About Mindyra Health Corporation
Mindyra is a digital behavioral healthcare company that helps wellness providers, benefits consultants and employers identify employee population mental health concerns and provide customized care programs. The Mindyra platform includes patient-administered diagnostic and treatment progress measurement tools, providing critical data to help ensure employees are receiving the best intervention.
Press Contacts:
Bryan Robertson
(508) 567-9885
Mindyra, the Mindyra logo, Mindyra-9, the Mind Health Survey, Care Progress Survey, Clinician Observed Behavioral Scale, Clinician Observed Behavioral Scale for Cognitively Impaired, Mindyra Wellbeing Index, “Know Where To Turn” and “Blood Test for the Mind” are trademarks of Mindyra.
Bryan Robertson
Mindyra Health Corp
+1 508-567-9885
This press release can be viewed online at: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/538828962
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