Try These 4 Engaging Ways to Rollout Your Wellness Program
Wellness program renewal and rollout season can be a busy time for everyone. However, it’s essential to think about how you want to share your new program with employees in an engaging and accessible way.
Utilizing a program rollout allows your program to hit the ground running, and research has shown that visual aids are one of the best ways to improve information retention.
Set your employees and your wellness program up for success by trying one of these four program rollout options.
Engaging Ways to Introduce Your Wellness Program
In-Person Health Fair
This is a great option for: Groups with an office location or groups looking to “return to the office”
Hosting a health fair allows employers to put their spin on introducing their wellness program. It will enable them to incorporate various themes and wellness offerings that inspire and engage employees. Health fairs typically do well with highlighting wellness programs and employee benefit changes or upgrades.
As many companies are easing into “in-person” normalcy, a health fair is a gentle way to bring employees back into the office. For groups with multiple localized facilities, a centralized health fair is a great way to gather employees to boost morale and camaraderie amongst coworkers who do not otherwise get to collaborate.
Virtual Health Fair
This is a great option for: Groups that do not have an office location or have national/international offices
Due to many jobs going entirely virtual after COVID-19, many companies are no longer in just one place.
A virtual health fair brings vendors together the way an onsite health fair does, but instead of booths, a schedule is provided to vendors and employees for the events that may be virtually attended. Hosting a virtual health fair also entails less manual work for the event coordinator. However, Wellworks recommends following these few steps to keep the virtual event well-organized and participation high:
· Create a theme for the event
· Reach out to your vendors at least six weeks ahead of time
· Create a schedule for the virtual health fair with meeting links included
· Provide all vendors with the scheduled timeslots and communicate the
types of presentations you would like them to use
· Send out meeting invitations or links at least a week before the virtual event,
in addition to the schedule
· Provide an incentive for employees who attend a minimum number of events
· Include live guided activities that employees may do from home, such as yoga,
Pilates, meditation, or stretching
If you feel like this is the best option for your employees but are still unsure where to start, try following this guide for How to Host a Successful Virtual Health Fair.
Remember, maintaining and following a schedule is the best way to get the most out of a virtual event!
Live Rollout Presentation
This is a great option for: Groups making significant changes to their wellness program or launching a new program
A live rollout presentation is an excellent opportunity for employees to meet their wellness coordinator and ask real-time questions. It can be like an in-person health fair. However, instead of being a part of a more significant event, a live rollout presentation can be a standalone meeting requiring as little as 45 minutes and, at most, up to 2 hours.
Your wellness coordinator will use this time to review your new wellness program, go over any changes that have been made, and do a brief review of the ins and outs of your Wellness Portal, Mobile App and how to log in to each. At the end of the presentation, your coordinator will open the floor for a live Q&A session, allowing employees to ask questions and engage with their wellness coordinator.
Recorded Rollout Presentation
This is a great option for: Groups with employees in their busy season or spending their workdays in their field
A recorded rollout presentation can contain the same components as a live rollout. However, a recorded presentation may be viewed at employees' leisure instead of requiring employees to take time out of their day to join a meeting. There are a variety of ways to distribute a recorded rollout presentation. Here are a few of Wellworks’ preferred options that your wellness coordinator can assist you with:
· Distribute a welcome email with a link to the video presentation or
embedded into the email
· Create a pop-up banner on your Wellness Portal with the video
presentation embedded
· Provide a link to the video presentation in the Wellness Locker
in your Wellness Portal
· Embed the video presentation link into your company’s benefits page
A recorded rollout presentation provides flexibility for the employees and gives the employer more control over how the presentation is distributed and to whom.
Still Not Sure?
If you are still unsure which rollout option is right for you, reach out to your wellness coordinator and allow their expertise to guide you toward the best choice for your employees. Regardless of how you want to introduce your wellness program, Wellworks is here to help!
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